Saturday, May 20, 2006

All Saints Church in Stamford

Well we went to Stamford that evening after singing in Lincoln Cathedral. What a nice little town. The church is also old ,1086. It doesn't have indoor plumbing, you have to go to the Methodist church up the street a block. Three years ago we sang in this church, it was benefit concert to raise money for a toliet indoors! They have it almost finished but not in time for our concert. The hospitality group made us cakes and sandwiches and tea from home..OH WAS THAT GOOD. It was like having 8 grandmothers cooking for you..the best of the best. Shirley, one of the members at the church, made these little carmel treats with a cake like crust..they were so good I had 2. There was a great crowd considering it was raining. It is a small church St Marys size to all you Germanns reading this. Half of St James turned sideways, Altar by the piano and doors on the other wall. They are allot like St James working for the needy and they go on mission trips to Africa, a very warm congregation. The pastor reminded me of Fr Jerry. We robed in another church across the street the other direction, a very cooperative religious community. I will have to tell you all about this place when I return. Sorry about the pictures but it was raining


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