Monday, May 15, 2006

Edinbourgh, Scotland

Just got back from Scotland tonight. What an amzing place and I sorry I have used that word allot lately but everything we have done and everywhere we have visited is over a 1000 years old and it takes your breath away. St Giles is a huge church and is in a cross shape with altar in the middle and when you go to Communion you go in groups and circle the altar and the preist passes a chunk of bread to a couple of people and they tear off a piece a nd pass it on anethenhe gives two people a huge cup(it could hold a whole bottle of wine) and we passed it around the circle and then we did the sign of peace and then the next group came up and they did it again this goes on until all have received. It takes awhile but it is really a nice way to receive. The choir was wonderful, they sang Mozart in D for the mass parts. We( Wm Jewell Concert Choir) came back at 6pm and sang our concert We had a nice crowd and it sounded great. The church is made for music and acceppella choirs. I have my house picked out just need 300 L andI am there. It is walking distance from St Giles and minutes from everything else. It has a huge park just down the street. I am bussed out we have been on the bus for 6hrs winding on the roads through the countryside there really isn't anything like I-70 here. Is is so green and sheep and lambs everywhere very cute to watch. Had Scotch in Scotland last night that was really fun went to 3 clubs and talked with locals it was great. Soccer is a big deal right now they just won a championship and everyone is pretty pumped. They had a parade yesterday.


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